Team Profiles

Team profiles are a great way to humanise your business. A series of friendly faces with a short summary for each team member goes a long way to building trust in your company. And if there’s only one of you, those little navigation arrows just won’t appear. That or you can use a different content block to build your personal profile. Here’s an example set of company team profiles…

The Clients Block

So, you’ve highlighted the great people you work with, but what about those who you work for? Many businesses like to highlight their valuable clients as a way of attracting new ones. Logos of well-known companies helps build trust in the user, reinforcing quality or service and experience.

With this block you can add logos in jpeg, gif, png and svg format; and link each one to a page on your site or another website entirely.

The Contact Block

When your visitors are convined that they want to get in touch with you, you’ll need to display your contact details and location information to make it easy for them to do so. This block allows you to display your contact details, a form and map in any combination, so you don’t need to show a map or form if you don’t want to.

Your message has been sent. Thank you.

The FAQ Block

Why would you need a specific FAQ block? Surely you would just use a standard text page and put the link in your footer, right? Wrong. FAQs might seem like a pretty-boring piece of content to some, but they can be very valuable when used correctly. Here’s why…

Improved User Experience
FAQs serve as a valuable resource for users seeking quick answers to their questions. By presenting relevant information in a concise format, web pages become more accessible and user-friendly. Visitors can navigate through the site more efficiently, finding the information they need without having to search extensively.
Building Trust and Credibility
Transparent communication is essential for establishing trust and credibility with online audiences. By proactively addressing potential concerns and uncertainties, FAQs demonstrate a commitment to customer satisfaction and expertise in the subject matter. This, in turn, fosters confidence and loyalty among visitors.
Reduced Customer Support Burden
Effective FAQs can help alleviate the burden on customer support teams by preemptively answering common questions. By providing self-service options, websites can empower users to find solutions independently, reducing the need for direct assistance and support tickets.
Improving Conversion Rates
Well-crafted FAQs can play a pivotal role in guiding visitors towards desired actions, such as making a purchase or signing up for a service. By addressing potential barriers to conversion and providing reassurance, FAQs help instill confidence and facilitate decision-making processes.
SEO Benefits
Incorporating FAQs into web pages can also yield significant SEO benefits. By addressing common search queries directly, websites stand a better chance of appearing in relevant search results. Moreover, well-structured FAQs may qualify for featured ‘rich snippets’ at the top of Google SERPs, which can further boost visibility and drive organic traffic.
Opportunity to target Long-tail Keywords
By addressing specific questions and concerns, FAQs provide an opportunity to target long-tail keywords that may not be covered in other parts of the website. This targeted approach can attract highly relevant traffic and potential customers who are actively seeking solutions to their problems.

And finally, your News Block.

We call it news, but you might just call it a blog, or perhaps something a little more engageing such as Insights, whitepapers or case studies. Whatever you want to use your blogging tools for, you can choose to have a selection of your most recent, popular or promoted posts on any page that you like just by adding this block where you need it.

You can set the maximum number of posts to show within the carousel, and you can tell the block to only show posts that have been tagged by a particular category. You can also set the background and heading colour.